Practice Self Care

At this point, almost all moms have heard that you can’t pour from an empty cup so they should take time out for themselves for a mental reset from time to time. Self care is more than just a trendy buzzword, though. Taking a little time to take care of yourself can really help to reset your mind and benefit your mental health. But, how can you fit self-care into your already slam packed busy schedule as a mom?

Re-examining the idea of self care and realizing it doesn’t have to be a grand event or a huge expense helps make it easier to carve out moments of self care. It can be something as simple as fifteen minutes spent reading a good book before bed or putting on your favorite perfume even if you don’t plan to leave the house. Below is a list of some other ways to easily take care of yourself without adding another item to your already miles long to do list.

  • Give yourself a quick manicure with a shade of polish that makes you happy when you see it. Instant dry topcoats or adhesive nail strips make it quick and easy and you’ll smile every time you see your nails.
  • Lack of sleep makes us all stressed and cranky so aim to get more sleep each night. Make it a goal to put down your phone or turn off the TV a little earlier each night. Even if you get to sleep just fifteen minutes earlier each night, you’ll feel better. 
  • Use technology to make life easier! Use Siri, Alexa, or Google to set reminders or make lists. It’s as easy as talking out loud and then the lists and reminders will magically appear on your phone! Ta-da!
  • Stay hydrated. Get yourself a cute water bottle. Use it. Refill it and use it some more. Water makes up a larger percentage of your body than anything else, so drinking enough water will keep your feeling your best.

What do you do for self care? Comment below.

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