Weekending // December 4 - 6, 2020

What a great start to our December in Eastern Iowa! The weather is nice, the lights are pretty and the cookies are starting to be baked. 

Speaking of lights, for this weekend we are going to focus on a few of the amazing light shows that are put on for us. This blog will have just a few of them but if you want to see all of the events going on, check out our events page! 


Gulfport Harbor Lights Festival 2020You're invited to experience the re-imagined layout with themed worlds of light including dinosaur world, over 700 feet of tunnels and a longer route. From now until January 3, 2021!

2020 Fejervary Holiday Lights: Join us for seasonal holiday lights display at Fejervary Learning Center! We were so ‘Happy’ with last year’s display that we simply ‘Can’t Stop the Feeling’ and will be bringing it back with even more lights this year! This is a park and watch event, so this is great for staying safe with your family in your own vehicle. More details on the event can be located by clicking on the link or checking out our events page. 

Blue Creek Christmas: With over 100,000 lights, 10,000 individually controlled elements and 3 miles of extension cord, Blue Creek Christmas is sure to put on a show that you will not forget. Join them in their 10th season running for plenty of Christmas cheer. Take a look at the events page for more details on the show. 


We know not everyone likes the cold, some enjoy traveling to warmer places during the winter time. That is why this featured business comes in handy! 

Traveling Person: Lisa Person, Owner and travel agent has a passion for vacations. 

She has personally traveled to most of the popular destinations and stays up-to-date on the newest resort features and amenities. Her first hand knowledge, along with extensive training and industry certifications, make her the best choice for planning your next traveling experience.

Lisa's focus is on your needs and desires for the best vacation for you. Unlike booking on a website, you will get a personalized plan with all of your questions answered. Lisa has access to all of the latest special offers, so you will get the best price available. She knows the right questions to ask to get a sense of your expectations. No detail is overlooked, when you book with Lisa Person.

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