Holiday Baking for Dogs!

Baking for the holidays? Why not bake something for your dog?

Peanut Butter Bark Bites

Combine natural peanut butter with ripe banana, whole-wheat flour, and an egg. If it’s too thick, think it out with water. Divide into small portions using a cute doggy-themed cookie cutter, and then bake at 350 for about 20 minutes.

Puppy Yums

Mix canned chicken with bacon bits, organic baby food, shredded cheese, whole-wheat flour, and sodium-free beef or chicken broth. Divide into small portions and bake at 350 for about 15 minutes.

Super-Special Doggy Snacks

Combine bacon fat with an egg, cold water, and whole-wheat flour. You can also add cheese, bacon bits, or organic baby food. Cook at 375 for about 15 minutes. Don’t go overboard with these fatty treats, however!


When cooking for your pet, be sure to only use ingredients that are safe for dogs. Some good options are cooked, boneless meat, fish, or poultry; sodium-free broth; peanut butter; cheese; eggs; and bacon bits. Never give Fido anything that contains garlic, onions, scallions, or chives; grapes, currants, or raisins; chocolate; nuts; pitted fruits; alcohol; or xylitol. Ask your vet for more information.

Click here for more Vet-approved recipes!


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