Meet Jacob!

Jacob is 15 years old and loves learning about technology. He is fascinated by how you can do so much with a chip the size of a quarter. He plays in the school band and has been in the musical and honor choir every year. Jacob is also a card collector and is in Scouts. Jacob’s dad helps him be his best. He is there for him and helps him with everything, all the way to Scouts.

We asked Jacob, “If you could have a super power, which one would you choose?” He answered, “There are so many options to choose from. Especially since I like superhero movies. I would have to go with telekinesis because it would be awesome to move things with my mind.”

Jacob isn’t sure what he would do if he had a million dollars. He said, “I'd probably give most of it away and keep enough to keep myself sustained. Maybe I would do something with my family too, like a vacation.”

He likes exploring places, but not waiting and crowds. He got a taste of that during a Florida vacation with his family. He liked Space Mountain, but not all of the rides were worth the wait. He wouldn’t mind going to Tokyo to check out their advanced technology.

We asked Jacob to tell us something else about himself. He said, “I'm kind of a simple person, although I know that some people love their sleep. I am not that kind of person. If it didn't negatively affect my body, I would pull all-nighters all the time.”

Jacob is talented in many ways and enjoys keeping busy with his many hobbies. He is a great example of making the most of your time and learning new things.

Way to go, Jacob!


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